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RE: The High Costs of Being a Single Mother in America

in #life7 years ago

Another wonderful post! Love to all the single moms and dads out there! Very true words about money. Nothing like selling off your possessions to buy groceries and using rubber cement to hold your children's shoes together to make you feel low (and I'm one of the lucky ones who had her partner stick around).
The assistance programs come from good intentions but they need to be reevaluated by parties that understand the REAL cost of living.
Well done in raising fine boys @arbitrarykitten! Enjoy your days with your beautiful family!


Lol, you are lucky- all I had the other day for my son's shoe was duct tape :/ Ug

The good intentions were shadowed by the ones who came in and used the funds to pay for employees who do nothing but push papers around.

Yes, social workers have low salaries. No, they shouldn't- they should be paid for their service. However, those funds are not for you. You should have to apply just like the rest of the population...

Thank you hun <3