Evaluating Ecency Interface and Point System

in #lifelast year

There are a number of different User Interfaces to choose from when it comes to Posting and interacting on the HIVE blockchain. Personally I’d migrated from Hive.Blog to Peakd.com last year and have flirted with LeoFinance.io on occasion too, but in the course of my travels recently I decided to check out Ecency.com because they were doing something a bit different. They’ve implemented an internal Point System for users of their Interface and I wanted to see how it worked.

The first thing I came across was this Tutorial which explains how you can earn points on Ecency by Posting, Commenting and Voting using their UI but I didn’t quite understand what the Points were really about until I came across the Boost feature which is where you can spend your points to get an upvote from the @ecency account on HIVE. It’s an account with over 1 million HIVE delegated to it so there are some potentially pretty fat upvotes on offer. I was intrigued….

So I looked at the Delegations and saw that 100% of the Curation earnings from the @ecency account is distributed to its Delegators in the form of daily transfers of Liquid HIVE, but Delegators ALSO earn approximately 100 Ecency Points daily per 1000 HIVE Power Delegated. That looked like decent value so I delegated 1000 HIVE Power and started using the Ecency UI to Post and Comment to see how it all stacked up. The minimum upvote you can get from Ecency costs 150 Points so with 100 Points daily from delegating and a few extra points from Posting, Commenting and Voting I can get a Daily Upvote worth about $1 USD (at time of writing this post). Not bad. On top of that today I earned 0.257 HIVE from the Curation Share of my 1000 HP delegation – which is an APR of about 9%. That’s about how much I’ve been earning from manually curating my own stake so I’m not really losing out by delegating it to Ecency at all.

It’s not a perfect User Interface by any means. I’d still prefer Peakd.com from a usability perspective but a lot of the features I use are there on Ecency and it’s interface is pretty intuitive. There have been a few times when I’ve Commented or Voted but not been credited with Points so I’m not sure if it’s skipping some actions or whether it’s a processing or delay issue. Still, I think it’s worth persisting with it for a bit and giving it a proper workout because the concept seems innovative and the economics make sense. If you’re up for some experimentation then give it a try. If you’ve already given it a try then please let me know what you think in the Comments below because I'm still learning the ropes and maybe I've missed something important.


😉🤜 yes, ecency is cool. I use it post and other stuff, but still use peaked to do my replies and for the wallet.. Ecency also gives a small % directly sent to a wallet everyday for the delegation.. so that adds some. My fried posts his results using many different delegations, and ecency (using the bonus pnts to boost posts) is by far the highest % ROI. Here's his last report..


Yes, I am kind of doing something similar at the moment. Still not entirely familiar or comfortable with Ecency so still doing some stuff on Peakd.

I have been using ecency and even delegated some HP that pays me good curation along with points. I use decency and peaked both for different purposes and both are good for me. The ecency mobile app is so good for notifications.

I am using Ecency for the past 1 month and I am very happy with the work they have done, Recently they introduced Waves ( A short way of Blogging), and Their Deck feature is also great.

I am also impressed by their voting system and internal point system, but it depends on your luck, sometime you get the vote and some time you get your points back.

A lot of users on hive will still prefer peakd because of its seamlessness, but eccency truly offers great value, the UI is decent, I've used it quite well, the effort put into retention is amazing. Every single delegation, helps and keeps them functioning well.

There are few functionality that are very good with this including the notification system and points mechanism. This year 100% duration reward along with points which is why lot of people have delegated to them. I use the app on mobile to use hive on the go .

I always had troubles with the upvotes working on my posts for the points I had. So I stopped using it. Maybe I’ll have to try again. I think I still have some points.


Yeah, when you use boost, the account owner can decide whether or not to upvote your post or refund the points. It's not guaranteed and depends on a subjective evaluation of post quality. It's not automatic as far as I know, in other words. You can boost other user's posts as well, which is cool.

Yes, I think this is all good. I haven't been rejected yet and while my posts are not exceptional quality I don't think they are shitposts. So hopefully it's all good for me but at least I'll get my points back if they reject my post.

Yeah true. Sometimes I think it's just a matter of not being able to get to all the boost requests for a day, too, so have to refund occasionally. But, I don't know. Been a while since I used it.

Your decision to delegate 1000 HIVE Power and utilize Ecency's UI seems like a smart move, especially considering the decent value you're receiving in terms of daily upvotes and the approximate 9% APR on your delegation. While it may not be a perfect User Interface, it's encouraging to hear that many of the features you use are available on Ecency and that the interface is intuitive overall. I love peakd too and I use ecency once in a while, in the end, it boils down to users' experiences.

I think you are making a smart move already. Well, I love Ecency and I use it most times but I don't know what is wrong with it for like five days now. I've been unable to use it

Haven’t tried it yet.

You received an upvote of 100% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!

Please remember to contribute great content to the #SilverGoldStackers tag to create another Precious Gem.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@dkid14(1/20) tipped @buggedout

The point system is really quite attractive I must confess most especially the 100 point return on 1000 hive power

Ecency is still very cool to use and I love the interface.

You have shared very nice information. Thanks.

Has ecency stopped upvoting the posts with boost? Since last few days I am sending the points to boost but not happening. And the points are also not being refunded.