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RE: Write a bit about your life with your Grandparents... # Contest Time!!

in #life6 years ago


thanks @geetharao for this wonderful competition, memories of the past flooded me, I could remember then when i was still small, as the first child, the first time my mummy took me to my granny place to spend my holiday was when I graduated from basic six, the holiday was one of the best so far, , because grandma never scold me like my mother used to, and she pampers me like a baby even though I have grown up a bit then, the place was a village, but filled with fun, I used to follow new friends I made there to the rivers to swim, and also the night play was a thing that linger in my memory up til now, then I wish to continue to stay with my granny, but my mother really didn't agree, I bet she was scared of how spoilt I will be with the kind of love granny was showing me , lol, but nevertheless I will never forget my first time memory with my granny, the pix was taken the last time I visited her early this year