A night away from the corporate world

in #life6 years ago

I have been working 5-6 days a week for many years now. It's very stressful and taxing and I haven't exercised for years. I'm getting fat and I felt like I'm always exhausted. It felt like something is missing.

Last night I've finally done something different. I finally had my very much needed distraction. No interacting with customers, no deadlines and scores to be met, just me trying to shoot that ball. :D I haven't played basketball since I was in high school and I couldn't even play more than 2 games. well, I guess it's not that bad for just getting back to the game.


Who knew? This was all it needed for me to feel alive again. All I needed was a night away from the corporate world.


I've decided to make this a weekly habit and slowly but surely get back in shape. Well, as they say the longest journey begins with a single step.

For all my fellow corporate slaves out there, take a moment away from the corporate world and enjoy life, go exercise, travel, take a moment to do what you love to do. Our time is limited, live your life while you can.