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RE: Jong-Hyun Kim and the Phenomena of Youth Suicide in Korea

in #life7 years ago

I found the competitiveness of everything in Korea has become so demanding to the extent of hurting mental heAlth particulary to the youth society.

Celebrities being force to show their happines on set as if nothing else matters but in truth they are dying inside and reAching out seems to be showing weakness -not good for business.

Positively, Korea has a lot of a matured industries because of that. Negatively, blood , sweat and tears has to be put in order to achieve greatness.

I hope suicide is never the option for some people and with my heart I hope it is not a trend people look up for.

. Im sorry if my opinions is wrong from my observation.

The news has been a talking debate in my country too.



This is definitely a misunderstood aspect of celebrityhood, thank you for bringing it up. There is this perception that fame comes with less stress and should be the goal.

Thank you for the comment Jen!