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RE: Why should we not BELIEVE in God's existence? Your opinions are welcomed.

in #life7 years ago

The writer of the article makes some interesting points but also I think muddies the water a little bit. Believing in God and adhering to a religion are not exactly hand in hand. Now the author hits the nail on the head when it come to religion, it is not a path to God as it is more a system of control. As are most of the religious texts that we use today. The Bible is not more than a set of rules and stories meant to teach and warn us against bad behavior.
Now there might be a god or gods. These gods could be aliens or some trans-dimensional being and not so much the omnipresent all powerful being that guides our lives but an artifact of encounters from times long ago when the human brain could not compute what they were seeing.
What I think we really miss that the two sides here, those that believe in God and those that do not, are really looking to believe in similar ideals. We want to know that we are not alone in the universe. Be it God or something else, we are scared that we are all alone. We want, we need to believe in that there is more.
Who know's, we might find one day that our need or sense of something greater is byproduct of idea that the cells and molecules that form us are the same cells ran through their bodies. There cells have passed information over centuries giving our bodies and minds a feeling of a greater presence in this world.
I know I was all over the place, but it was an interesting and thought provoking article.