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RE: DEEPFAKE - we can no longer trust our eyes

in #life5 years ago

Dear @neavvy

Excellent choice of topic :) I'm sure you knew I will say that hahaha :)

I absolutely love how you introduced us to this topic. Seriously you kept my attention all the way.

This may look like harmless joke, but United States Department of Defense treats this problem really seriously.

It shouldn't surprise us. We're entering world of global distrust and noone seem to have any idea how to avoid it or adapt.

Therefore, we need to be really careful about photos and data posted on social media, as we cannot predict for what purpose they will be used.

For that particular reason I don't even want to think about becoming a youtuber. So bloody risky.

ps. I wont be promoting your post even more. You have enough quality comments already.



Thank you for your reply dear @crypto.piotr!

Excellent choice of topic :) I'm sure you knew I will say that hahaha :)

Haha :)

I wont be promoting your post even more. You have enough quality comments already.

Sure. Thank you for the Bounty and engagement in comments :)