I got a new water bottle

in #lifelast month

There's no doubt that chocolates will never be out of style. I'm a big fan of chocolates, especially the ones that have the right amount of sweetness. Sugar may not be good to consume but it could be something that gives us that placebo effect when eaten. Today, I got a good deal when I went to the grocery. I noticed there is a new item on the shelf Cadbury chocolate. They released these new small bars flavors and they are giving away a free water bottle.

The promo is that they will give away a free water bottle when you buy 2 small bars. I think it's a good deal because the water bottle costs more than the chocolate itself. Without a doubt, my love for chocolates and free items has encouraged me to buy them.

It's an easy choice because this kind of deal doesn't come often. I will have an extra water bottle to use whenever I go for a jog or do a gym workout.

After buying this item, I realized how a "consumer" I am, lol. This is an expense that I'm not proud of because I'm buying something that isn't part of my grocery list.

My takeaway from this experience is that I shouldn't make a decision when it is planned or it isn't necessary.

My other takeaway is that I shouldn't feel guilty for something that will result in a happy moment. We can't be too restrictive to ourselves especially if it's something that will have a positive impact on our life. No matter how little it is, this water bottle will aid me at times whenever I do exercise or go for a simple walk.

Eventually, it will turn out to be a good buy!

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Congratulations on the gift. Chocolate, especially dairy milk, is one of the things that are associated with our childhood memories. There was a time in my childhood when only dairy milk was available in the name of chocolate. Then many more brands came, but dairy milk is still everyone's favourite. :P
Sending love and Ecency Vote!

Indeed. This freebie gift made me happy 😊 thank you for the curation. Have a good day ☀️