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RE: Why should we not BELIEVE in God's existence? Your opinions are welcomed.

in #life7 years ago

My only comment to this is that I think you're missing out on some of the most powerful, uplifting feelings and experiences of this life if you don't take an open-minded look at who Jesus is and what He came to this earth to do for us. This one man, a proven historical figure, did something over 2000 years ago that has profoundly influenced over 2 billion people and His presence is still felt every bit as powerfully today. While you're checking out those agnostic sites given to you by a poster above, go to YouTube and check out the Alpha Film Series. Episode 2 is excellent. This is the only one I've watched since we'll be doing a study on them after the first of the year. They are done by a "barrister" who set about to prove there was no God and instead, proved to himself there was. I hope you take the time to look into them. What may have started out as a provocative marketing tactic could very well prove to be the most important thing you've ever done. God works in mysterious ways.... :-)