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do the letters have shadow?


fantastic thoughts, taking the deep breth in and breth out is always great to keep the mind tissues alive.

DQmcyKwGQFVaCbPiR6mpBKnF5zsruDkeKBhXq8qdMutPSnr - Copy.gif

Your human sense are really sharp.

thanks for your blogIMG_13617210772790.jpeg

the letters have shadow?

Wonderful post i like your post @dennisschroeder

Amazing post i like your post @dennisschroeder

great post.
i agree with you.
have a nice day.


Better mind connection @dennisschroeder
Have a nice day....//////////

Thank you🙂🙌🏻

welcome It's ok bro


Thanks for repply


i will try this sir

You post have a really good commitment.
Have a good day

Thank you so much🙂🙏🏻, you too!

have a nice day........//////
Wonderful post..../////

😊🙏🏻, you too🙂🙌🏻

that's great.
have a nice day.

Thank you, you too🙂

Amazing post Have a nice day and thanks for sharing this with us

love is something not build by us so we cannot destroy it.. it will be 4ever

love is 😊



Those are really good thoughts for the day.


Good thoughts and practice for health is good


Amazing post Have a nice day and thanks for sharing this with us

Better mind connection, such a powerful content.
Awesome. Resteemed..

Thank you so much🙂🙌🏻

You`re very powerful thinker.good sense of humor.
Resteemed your post @dennisschroeder


Breath in life, Breath love, Breath STEEM


great post.
i agree for you.

Have a nice day

Thank you, for you too🙂

You are wellcome
Nice you decided to share this wonderful thought
thanks Dennis Schröder

have a nice day @dennisschroeder...,.........//////

Thank you! You too, everyday!

Better mind connection, Thanks for posting

Thank you🙂🙏🏻

Yes without a doubt. Connection is imminent

Yes !! 😊🙌🏻

Your honest feedback is appreciated.. I launched this today. What do you think about the idea?

Hello @dennisschroeder,

Yes, we all connected with love of infinity. Extraordinary quote & brilliant way of think.


Thank you😊🙏🏻

You are a positive thinker! So you talk about love of infinity! But for me I don't believe about eternal love! But I believe in breath in feel it and breath out! Yeah then sometimes I might believe on love of infinity! Coz it feels to the deepest place of the heart!
Great quote from you as always!


Thank you😊

You are welcome friend!


thought of the day ! Love you to infinity <3 Buddy :) <3


cheers bro 😍

fantastic quote & impressive meaning. excellent job done by @dennisschroeder


Thank you so much for this gif😊🙌🏻

Powerful words, powerful meaning. Feel infinity of your love to whole world. Nice thinking & good post.

~Followed & Upvoted

Thank you🙂🙏🏻

happy moments are come when you fallen and arise love from both side, thanks for sharing.

Yes😊🙌🏻, thank you🙂🙏🏻

@dennisschroeder - Sir it's like a meditation...Breath in & Feel it, then Breath out.... A kind of mediation Sir... Nice you decided to share this wonderful thought Sir.... To get more audience, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Thank you so much🙂🙏🏻, yes, absolutely🙂

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wow that's true buddy :)



fantastic thoughts, taking the deep breth in and breth out is always great to keep the mind tissues alive.

Yes🙂, thank you🙂🙏🏻

You got a nice idea today. Infinity of love, remarkable ~

Thank you😊🙏🏻

You are welcome & Namaste~

lets spread the love all over :)

Yes !! 😊🙌🏻

have a nice day...thanks for sharing

Thank you🙂, you too🙂

welcome boss..

how are you boss...??have a good day

Congratulations @dennisschroeder
Now you are in the MinnowsPower Loyalty Member List...!!!

Exceptional quote and nice thought...!!!

100% Upvoted by @MinnowsPower

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One small UpVote of Yours build MinnowsPower and MinnowsPower will Not Forget Your Support...!!!

Thanks! 🙂🙏🏻

Excellent thought man i loved your post :)

Thank you 🙂🙏🏻, so much😊🙌🏻

fantastic quote & impressive meaning...thanks @dennisschroeder

Thank you so much🙂🙏🏻

welcome boss


how are you boss...???

In peace🙌🏻

oh thats a good news...have a nice day...

thanks again for your replay.boss

nice deep thought indeed, i really appreciate your words it's a result of powerful thinking.

Thank you😊🙌🏻

Stay blessed and just stick to love, peace and respect, it's also a great course my friend, thank a lot for sharing your great thoughts with us.

You are welcome🙂, thank you🙂🙏🏻

Nice one bro fantastic post :)

Thanks bro🙂🙌🏻

Incredible thoughts dennis thanks for sharing

Thank you🙂, you are very welcome 😊🙌🏻

very powerful thinker,,,,,,,
i liked.......//////////



Nice thought!
For your post propagation.

Thanks!! 🙂

Thanks @dennisschroeder
Great thoughts
Upvote Resteem

🙂🙏🏻, thank you🙂

Superior and powerful positive minded inspiration quote..

wow, thanks🙂🙏🏻

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