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RE: Sign up @ for 'Free Speech' on the Internet! (petition link in text) Sign Now.. takes about 3 seconds.. 'Internet Bill of Rights' - IBOR ... “scares them more than anything.” - Q

in #life6 years ago

The petition is vague and doesn't really offer a bill of rights as suggested. In any case, I'd be more worried about retaliation by the government for expression of dissent. That's what the 1st Amendment is about. Doesn't really matter if the point of view is conservative, liberal, anarchist, or what have you.

I suggest you read this op-ed piece to get an idea of what I'm talking about:

Opinion | Why I’m suing for my right to flip off the president

No harm done by that woman, just an expression of self. Same with Colin Kaepernick. Both are targets of government retaliation directed by the impetuous Donald Trump.

If punishment really teaches a lesson, what did these people learn from The Great Oppressor, Trump? I submit to you that American big business, despite their lofty claims to love free enterprise, would much prefer a docile electorate than an opinionated one. That's a lot less expensive.