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RE: We Have Competition, So What?

in #life8 years ago

unless you are in dev team (and even then), users shouldn't view another platform as competition but opportunity... stop being childish, this isn't a football game... more over you can be part of both team


Why do people comment without reading posts? Again, competition is good and not to be feared. If you want me to resume the post in one sentence: Do not fear competition, it's a part of life.

Done, there you go and have a good day.

sorry still not see where there is any competition for you as a user.

I don't feel like competing when I post something to instagram or facebook.
however people of instagram/facebook might feel (and are) in competition.
This is a matter of perspective, and competition isn't your perspective (or our perspective)
If there is an appeal to post on the synereo platform, I will without any hesitation like anyone (and won't feel guilty about it...) that was just my point.