in #life5 years ago (edited)

Not a good news this time from Brazil. In the recent Column we've talked about Siberia on fire where one of the reazons except of natural were criminal logging. This time its Amazonia and again deliberate deforestation is one of the named causes. Again for weeks authorities of the country didnt pay enough attention to the fires before it got too late. Now in Amazonia the state if emergency imposed.

Amazonia is a home of one million indigenous people. The fires causes many of them to loose everything. Good article on Aljazeera of what their families have to face

Its surely a time to take climate change more seriously. One cannot put environmental problems to background after economic ganes. The swing of pendulum can be catastrophic as we are starting to observe now. Probably one could gain a rancho by such horrible way of clearing land but what will be a price for environment and consequently to everyone of us is the question.

To remind Amazonian forests called "The lungs of the planet" as giving 20% of oxygen.

The President of Brazil Bolsonaro clames he doesnt have enough resources to fight the fires. Maybe its time for international community to lend a helping hand. Let aside all political misunderstandings but the act of free will can make a difference.
It's only Brazil suffering from abnormal fires. Other countries like Venezuela maybe on less scale suffering too.

Climate change is the challenge to bring the countries together in action. And it seems one of the priority tasks is fires of that scale. It seems logically there should be international "firebrigade" with planes and resources to help in emergencies like that. Its not just a fire in faraway Siberia or Brazil. It is the fire in our common home called Mother Planet.

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