
Yes. @apshamilton calculated how much money they spent. Maybe around half of the funds we unfroze. I never liked the attitude of "missed me, try again" because eventually you will get hit. Crazy staged feel to this, but if you look at everything at face value then it makes sense for Israel to assassinate Iran's biggest contributor to their "9-11". Iran posing indignant over that only makes sense until this came to light.

You realize that 9-11 was caused by the us government and private corporates right?

I said if you look at it at face value. Hidden conspiracies are hidden enough that some decision makers can be forgiven for not believing them.

This is similar to the US assassination of the Iranian general who is believed to have helped kill and maim many US soldiers via roadside bombs. I don't know who is denying his role in that. At the time, Iran did something in response, but I forget exactly what it was.