Grand Canyon - Synonym of Freedom

in #life6 years ago

The average depth of 1 mile (1.6 km), length 446 km, average width 16 kilometers, area 4911 km2 - these are the numbers that characterize one of the most popular natural phenomena in the world - Grand Canyon. Located in the north-western part of Arizona, near the border with Utah and Nevada, the Colorado River flows through it. It is at least 6 million years old and since 1919 it is one of the American national parks.

From Grand Canyon you have great expectations before your first visit. You will know his photos for many years and wonder if he really is such an orange. It is said that even a thousand photos of the canyon do not really fit what you see on your own eyes when you stand on its edge. And that's true.

If you want to see one of the natural wonders of the world all year round, choose its southern edge. About 280 miles from Las Vegas awaits you entering the National Park, for which you will pay $ 30 for a car. Once you arrive at the visitor center after your next trip, you can get to different parts of the "south rim" on three routes. Whatever you choose, you will not regret it. Besides, if you decide to spend a night or two in the park, you'll really get enough, including sunrise or sunset. It is these two phenomena that are said to give you a whole new experience.
But why is Grand Canyon, in my opinion, a synonym of freedom? Because when I stood on the edge of her and saw that splendor when I realized how huge it was, then I felt really free. So small and so happy that it is hard to describe words, because that experience is breathless. I wish everyone to sit on one of the rocks at least once in their life, and nowhere to see the end. For each of us to experience what energy he can deliver this fascinating natural phenomenon.

Some attractions about Grand Canyone:

The shortest distance between its edges is 548 meters
The longest on the contrary, up to 29 kilometers, which is approximately the length of New York's Manhattan
Five million visitors each year make it the second most visited national park in the US
Since 1870, approximately 600 people have died in it (shooting falls, drowning in the Colorado River, dehydration, heart attack, stroke, subcooling)
Most people, up to 128 people died in an air crash in 1956
His or her age is still under discussion. Some research says it is up to 17 million years old