in #life6 years ago

What is the meaning of life? Such an open question. I'm sure between us all we could come up with hundreds of different reasons into what the meaning of life is. However, I'd like for us to consider another point of view, one from Nature. Now, let's take the beautiful wildlife, and in the mere act of living, the greenery creates hundreds of seeds. Their seeds spread via different avenue's thus creating more life.

So, how does this apply to us? What, you just make kids and that's it. Job done. Thank you very much!!!

Only if it was that simple.

The first thing you must realise is that everything serves a purpose. Just so it's clear that's 'EVERYTHING.' A chair, door, car, tree, house, horse, dog, you get my point. Bearing that in mind, when was the last time you asked yourself. 'WHAT IS MY PURPOSE?' and really pondered on for day's, week's. Why I'm I here? What do I enjoy doing? Can I make it pay me? What's the plan? What can I do to motivate myself? The list is endless. How is it that everything serves a purpose, but 98% of human's do not know there own purpose. Why is this important?
Simple. Because it's your compass. Once you know why you are here. You have just done two things. First, you have planted your seed, and if catered for just as you would your child, so shall you path continue to unfold (I'll talk about ways to influence the mind, and growing seeds next time). Second, because you have your end goal in mind you now have something to work toward. The architect must first see their building in mind before they can build. And you should not lose sight of your purpose no more then when the sailor lose's sight of his compass while sailing in the waters.

Once you have your purpose. And you are sure! You know exactly what you want. You have your plan. You must act with all of the above in mind. And know that every step forward, every ten steps back, is all NECESSARY for a, your character building and b, your growth.

A Knock back is the greatest teacher we could ever have. I know I know I'll explain. When we stop taking the victim approach to a knock back, as in 'why me?' crying, the whole nine yards, and we start to take the Victor's approach i.e'what went wrong?' 'how can I stop this happening?' etc. FOCUS ON 'I'. As long as you always blame yourself, you can always do something. Agree. Of course you do.

When you truly have your purpose in mind. The fight and hunger in you will aid you in overcoming any hurdle. As you already know it's necessary for your growth, so therefore you should be grateful for this opportunity for growth. Although it may appear as a form of hardship. This is where the emotion's of gratitude and a blazing desire to overcome any obstacle, faith, confidence, power, just so name a few, will act as the driving force you need to keep you moving forward.

But you must keep acting, while believing every action you take is drawing you closer to your purpose. And for sure you will meet your purpose.

If you read this far Thank you for reading.

And I bid you a good day.