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RE: 'Thanksgiving' - An American History Lesson

in #life • last year

Happy Schwabsgiving! Though it's more Happy Schwab's taking 🤣

Well... I remember a lot more from my history books about that huge "Pow-Wow" a few hundred years ago, but I'm going to cut it short because you probably won't believe me - they've changed all the history books since I was a child, in order to fit a new narrative. They have scrubbed the truth from the internet as well...

That all sounds like QAnon conspiracy theories 😃 there is no way that a small group of people would control the narrative in order to drive their own Great Reset agenda, no sir, that is preposterous (heavy sarcasm) 😄

How does the saying goes, "history is written by the victors"?

Wrongly attributed to Churchill, but it doesn't matter who said it, it's probably someone with observational skills, lacking these days!!