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RE: ADSactly Personal - Tell Me Your Scar Stories (And I'll Share Mine)

in #life6 years ago

Let's talk about scars!! Lol..

I got a scar on my forehead back when I was 6 years old...
I got it from cats fighting one night..
I can't remember all the details but my mom said that we lost a cat that just went back home that night... We had a new cat back then and my mom said that the old one got jealous(not sure if it was true hahha) and fought our new cat. So that was literally a cat fight.

I had to undergo and take several vaccines for anti-rabies and I had to go to school with bandages and a swelling face.

That was about 20 years ago. The Scar is now smaller but still visible. Funny thing is I didn't get traumatized taking care of cats right after that incident. Instead I got interested in them more...


I can't imagine not loving cats, my hands used to be covered with cat scratches as a teenager from playing with them.

I know... I have 4 furrballs and my day's not complete without seeing them doing their crazy stuffs... haha