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RE: Plague of Sudden Deaths, Turbo Cancers, and Serious Adverse Events Provably from Booster Shots Limits Uptake.

in #life26 days ago

i do however hope that most of the fear is also based on lies. i have heard cases that argue there is no such thing as mrna and an immune system to begin with, that that is solely based on an antiquated medicinal model we in the west still take as gospel.

Same here. I do not know what to believe, really, since when I looked into virology and bacteriology years before 2020, the statements from those scientists were like: there are millions and trillions of viruses and bacteria living in organisms like us and all other animals. It was more like it was acknowledged that we really do know little to nothing about them. But with the overall tonality that we live in a mostly peaceful co-existence.

Another thing I can remember was more like a joke in terms of immunity. Something like "there is no such thing like immunity. It's a funny invention for diplomats and for marvel comic figures, but has nothing to do with the human organism" - LoL


I believe we do live in harmony with the vast majority of bacteria and viruses. It's the ones we don't that cause me concern. S. aureus has produced strains that have become resistant to most of our antibiotics. MRSA is a concern. We have few antivirals, so viruses that do harm us when using our cells to reproduce them have little opposition but our imnune systems, and the jabs are shown to make us more vulnerable to covid19.


The more jabs we get, the more disease and death we suffer.

I am most hopeful that fertility isn't similarly reduced.

There are diseases and there is a high probability of infection. But how exactly, why exactly, who exactly, to what degree of severity exactly, that is a matter that I cannot judge and am therefore not in a position to debate it in detail. At the very beginning of the affair, I listened to a sensible virologist who was actually one of the few in 2020 to examine families and households and document the results. As far as I remember, the results showed that the infections by no means followed a clear pattern of contagion. Rather an ambiguous one that was difficult to interpret.

Because of this whole thing, I began to doubt for the first time that there is such a thing as epidemics/pandemics among humans and also how, for example, the so-called plague could be considered the sole cause of mass deaths in the past. I used to take this at face value, but have stopped doing so.

However, I am not surprised that something like this happens to animals, as the conditions for them in factory farming cannot be compared with us humans. For example, I would also attribute mass deaths in the past to other causes, including the isolation and poor treatment of the sick.

I do not share the fear of contagion in principle. But it would lead way to far to explain, why.

"...isolation and poor treatment of the sick."

I think you're absolutely correct. The sudden cessation of the plagues of childhood diseases at the end of the 19th Century well illustrates that improved treatment, hygiene, and better food and water sources all but eliminated those scourges, turning them into mild inconveniences for anyone with such modern standards of civilization. While vaccine profiteers claim jabs did the trick, the actual data proves otherwise. Jabs were always introduced long after basic services improved as civilization provided better sources.