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RE: 2020 Continues Right On Trend

in #life4 years ago

You're welcome! I was surprised because the delivery estimate for the mug was mid-September. I like it when companies under promise and over deliver.

It sounds like you had your work cut out for you this week. My wife and I were wondering if the storm from the hurricane came through your part of Texas.

I think the SE 2020 was Apple's attempt to try to compete with some of the less expensive Android phones. It's missing some of the bells and whistles of Apple's more expensive phones but will suit me just fine. It's got enough memory and processing power to be eligible for iOS updates for another 4-5 years so I'll be happy if I can get 4 years out of it. The fact that it shoots 4k video sealed the deal for me, I won't have to buy a vlogging camera at first. I'll just shoot footage with this.

Enjoy what's left of the weekend!


We missed the hurricane by about 50 miles from anything bad happening we only got about 3" of rain out of it.
The coastal areas south and east of us got pounded by storm surge and high winds but we were lucky.
You too with the weekend, back to drawing now for me.

That's a little close for comfort but I'm glad the worst of it missed you guys!