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RE: And Life Goes On...

in #lifelast year (edited)

I just can't believe they would name a product FUD in any language! You are so right, they would probably be the main manufacturer of it!

Yes, the literary world is ripe with scammers. It turns out that the agency is legitimate but I decided, at this point in my career, I have no interest in switching lanes. Self publishing has been very good to me and it's given me much more freedom than I would have had if I had gone down the path of traditional publishing. Thank you! I hope you have a good weekend!


Being your own boss and not having anyone to answer to but yourself has to be worth more than a couple of extra bucks. As they say, if it ain't broken don't fix it.
Good luck with your next book, we'll be looking for it.

Thank you! The freedom of it is really nice. Sometimes we have to be thankful for unanswered prayers and this is one of those occasions. The first 15 years I was writing, my biggest dream was to get signed by a major publisher. Then came Amazon and Hive (Steemit) and everything shifted.