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RE: The Spirit of a Mother

in #life6 years ago

It is interesting how humans feel the need to single out a special day to acknowledge moms, dads, Christmas, grandparents, Valentines....when really everyday could be the celebration of love, honor, respect and consideration for one another. Reminding and being reminded everyday of how much we love one another would really be ideal. But most don't live that reality and are horrible communicators, so a special day seems to be the next best thing we can think of.....and commercialize!

It's also a great day (as is every other day!) to consider our roles as mothers and take that introspective look at how we're playing the game.

Thank you for the delightful dinner. Hanging out with the mamas and nurturing ourselves and the children is quite the dream. Glad you're here in the vortex now @kimberleighfl. May all your days just keep getting better and better.