Do What You Love

in #life10 months ago

I'm so pumped to finally have more time to write, which is something that I love. And that's what this post is going to be about. I'm one of those lucky few people where aside from my beloved grandmother, I haven't lost any close family members. Death has so far circled around other people in my orbit, while leaving me (so far), mostly unscathed.

However, seeing others go through that pain, informed me that my luck won't last forever, and at some point that long overdue bill will need to be paid. This fact propelled me to not fuck around living other people's version of myself, and to live my best life by doing what I love.

As I shared in my last post, writing is something that I truly enjoy doing. It helps to fulfill me on so many levels to take that empty square on the screen, and fill it with (hopefully) useful or inspiring content.

Always an inquisitive kid, learning new things broadened my horizons, and allowed me to imagine the world beyond my stifling neighborhood. I wanna know the who, what, or why about almost everything. Over the years, all of this knowledge get stored in my head bank, and at just the right moment, can be recalled when needed the most.

Another one of my "loves" is finding those honest, good-hearted people, alone at a gathering holding up a wall. Everybody else in the crowd fades into the background, and I make a beeline for that lonely lost soul. These are some of the best people in the world, and you're doing God's work by making a momentary connection with this being of light, and ensuring that they know they're not alone.

Know what I mean?

Yet another thing I like is spending time with older people. These are who I grew up with, and they taught me so much, which helped make me a better person. This sprung from seeing my grandmother abandoned by her grifter kids once they moved out. These Neanderthals would show up to visit her only when they needed money.

So I would go down there as often as I could, and at times when I knew she was really lonely, I'd stay for weeks, or even months. She loved long conversations, and this is yet another instance where I had to learn to "bank" subjects to talk to her about.

That skill continues to serve me well even today, where people tell me that I always have something interesting to say, to fill in those pregnant pauses in long talks. All thanks to my grandmother, and it was a joy to make her happy.

There are many other things that I love which bring me joy, but the takeaway of this post is to find out what those things are for you. Don't just take up space, spend your time wisely and make a difference in the lives of others.

We only have so many trips around the Sun in each of us, and we never know when our ticket will be punched. So don't you EVER throw away your time living for someone else. Do what you love, and you'll love what you do, and leave behind a legacy to be proud of.

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