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RE: What's Wrong, Baby?

in #life3 years ago

Thank you, @mattclarke! He's really gorgeous!

You're right, my baby might also have felt that I was not at ease because I do hardly take him out to go shopping with me at the shopping complex. He's used to us going for a walk just around the corner and go to Woolies a couple of blocks away. He was in an unfamiliar environment, and I was sort of anticipating that he might cry, so he did. And then I didn't know what to do. Haha!

Oh, geez, good thing it was not that hot that day when that lady locked her baby in the car. And thank God you guys were there to help her open her car, as well as, cheer her baby up. Sometimes, mothers couldn't help feel that way, they start being anxious and panicky, without realising their babies/kids could easily pick that up from their mother's faces and body language, and so they stress out as well.