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RE: This is America

in #life4 years ago

Too many sheeple in this country. What happened to Floyd was wrong. What's happening around the country with looting and riots and ILLEGAL protests being broken up (only to cause damage to PUBLIC property) is wrong.

There's a right way to protest and have your voice heard - legally - then there's this method. Who ends up paying the bill for repairing all of these cities? The local taxpayers - Not the people breaking everything - because they were bussed in from somewhere else!

Fight for your freedoms! But first, know what you're actually fighting for - and do it without destruction of property. One wrong does not justify another wrong .. and two wrongs don't make a right!


Clearly you don't understand the Constitution.

We have a right to burn this motherfucker down.

From what I've seen, Private Institutions - who have nothing to do with the abhorrent act of violence conducted by a single individual - are being burned.

What right do you have to burn down their livelihood for something that they had no part in? None.

The owners of those businesses have the same rights to freedom that you have to express your rights. Your rights do not outweigh the rights of everyone else around you who holds those same exact rights.

I implore you to read the Bill of Rights again from the perspective of every citizen, and not from your own personal perspective. We as a society need to work together to solve our issues civilly, not "burn it down" every time that something happens that we don't like. The Federalist Papers are a great to read as well, since I'm assuming that you've read the full constitution, including all 27 amendments - having such a strong opinion on the matter.

I implore you to point out where I did any of that?

I have read them all, including every article that prefaces the bill of rights. You know...the first part of the actual constitution...

When you get to the Fourteenth, if you can understand it, it just...idk...negates the rest.

And you’re okay with the Fourteenth...until YOU become the F word. You’re okay with it because you have a very high chance of being offered a plea deal that removes the felony charge and you get to legally keep being 8/8ths of a man.

The rest of us...what’s that word? Oh yeah...NO.

We don’t get to keep our humanity.