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RE: The Reptile Man

in #life3 years ago

Lucy is hilarious, that faint is just too funny and she could be the first thing in a Gallagher act with a stream like that. Quite interesting how mellow she is. I've always loved reptiles as we had a good variety growing up in California. Lots of rattlesnakes were de-headed on our property by various means, from shovel to .44 cal. I miss the alligator lizards that roamed the house, some of them got well over a foot long and they ate a lot of bugs.


Oh I’d love to see an alligator lizard! We’ve got a few blue tailed skinks over here, they’re pretty entertaining lol. And Lucy sure us the greatest, the way she just hangs out and takes what comes just cracks me up.

I’m kinda glad we don’t have rattlers here, my cousins in Missouri are always telling me tales of their encounters with them, not something I really want to tangle with for sure!