[Gardenia 02] Time gives legitimacy to my existence

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I remember once in my freshman year my English teacher asked each one of us about where we see ourselves in 5 years, I can't deny the fact that I spoke big things and dreamt about a way too higher expectations. last night when I put my head on my pillow,a flood of thoughts and facts hit my mind that made it hard for me to fall asleep. when I realized that I met some of the expectations, postponed others, and sucked at the rest, one of the major lessons that life taught me this year is that u can zigged it before u zagged, sucking at something isn't that bad after all.
I had the opportunity to live 24 years old, becoming a complete mature lady, becoming an architect of my reality; empowered to create it as I choose. always set my own pace in life without being governed by traditions and have the ability to implement my ideas with efficiency and determination.
I hope that God will multiply wisdom and help me make better decisions, peace that passes understanding. vindicate us for the wrongs that have been done. pay me back for unfair situations.
I always Dared to trust God, and Always will. this is my ultimate concern.
I always believed about what has been stated as follows:" Time gives legitimacy to my existence. Time is the only true unit of measure. It gives proof to the existence of matter. Without time, we do not exist."
so here is the thing dears, don't fight change; embrace it, and you will step into the fullness of what it has been stored for u,So at times, a friend may walk away. lose them unexpectedly, Allah will stir things up and may even allow a friend to do you wrong, because a door must be closed for others to be opened in order to move ahead, you might be afraid from rocking the boat, but sometimes you must turn the boat over.
I'm new here, any welcome ?


I love your attitude of rather than demanding the extraordinary, focusing on how we can add a little extra to what we have in front of us :)

Our dreams of the extraordinary are always visions of the future, which we can not reach. Instead, we always live in the presence, the only moments that are ever real, and it's only here that we can make a difference :)

I never believed in any gods, but hope you will find your way well on steemit and make many new and positive relationships with the people that come from all over the world here. I certainly have made many good friends :)

I recommend that you write a post with #introduceyourself as the first tag where you tell people a bit about yourself

Take care and welcome to steemit!

Ohh, Thank u about your kind reply, it is so sweet from your side.
I would be happy if we became friends ^_^.