
Eventually yeah. These hiccups might be frustrating for some. Might spend some time browsing around, looking for potential meltdowns. Try to calm them down before they wreck themselves then end up on blurt blowing a minor inconvenience out of proportion for six months nonstop.

Lol, you're like a crime fighter...Like batman noman!

If that toxic shit goes unchecked, they kill the vibe and people leave. So much easier nowadays to get rid of that problem though before it gets out of hand. Apparently all you have to do is tell them about blurt. The trash practically picks itself up now. That joke never gets old...

Indeed, and it breathes life into the, birds of a feather flock together, phrase. Rather than rise above, to surround themselves with those who uplift them to new and greater levels, they choose to dwell in the quagmire of hatred, blame, and negativity.

A mentor of mine once said, some 25 years ago...Would you rather soar with the eagles, or stay on the ground with the turkeys? It seems many choose the latter.

Oddly enough 25 years ago I was playing hockey for a team called the Eagles. My earliest memories of learning the importance of pushing those types away stem from that period. Coach wouldn't beat around the bush either when it came time to address the bad attitudes. Can see myself emulating his approach these days, now that I think of it. Firm, direct, honest. Those types don't like that. They take a stupid penalty, then freak out only to get another penalty or ejected, which only hurts the team. Then they're off smashing holes in the walls and breaking hockey sticks leading to suspensions or being banned from arenas. That classic downward spiral. All they did was wreck themselves; everyone else still gets to play regardless. Then they're at the weekend party bitching about how unfair everything is and blah blah blah. Now they have no team to play for, fines to pay, losing friends, all because they tripped a guy on the ice and a ref asked them to sit down for 2 minutes. Same shit happens here it seems. Someone broke the rules, refused to take their penalty, put on a big show, fucked themselves. Everyone else still gets to play, as they fade away.

That's a really great analogy; the whole comment is spot on actually.

It all comes down to ownership. I own (created) the community this user posted into and because of that, I take ownership of how it presents and ensure that the guidelines I've set are followed. This user spazzed out needlessly and his account on Hive is a rotting carcass because of it. My community continues.

This is a really one of the reasons I don't have mods or admins; I don't want to subject them to this sort of obsessive and abusive behaviour needlessly. I, on the other hand, can handle it.

I wonder how many meltdowns I'd get to study if I created a community where the only rule is: If you post here without asking for permission first, you will be muted and downvoted instantly.

I wouldn't mind creating something more like an online magazine, rather than a free-for-all. Would the simple act of me saying, "No," trigger a meltdown? I'd put my money on yes, me saying NO would trigger a meltdown.

Endless smear campaign. I noticed awhile back some becoming reluctant to run their communities out of fear of smear. This year was a real eye-opener though and I'm glad some chose to meltdown, leave a nasty trail of breadcrumbs, then all congregate in one space and incriminate themselves. They're just crying wolf and each new meltdown follows the same pattern, plus the blockchain backs up the evidence. For instance one guy now boasts about his negative rep when attempting to smear this platform or the people. If any outsider not familiar with the case actually looks in, they'll see months and months of him being aggressive and obnoxious, nothing else. Maybe someone too lazy to look or more keen on accepting face value will take his side. Maybe someone that prefers an echo chamber or is naturally intellectually lazy would take his side. The smart ones with integrity would not. They'd see right through it, come here, and we've got a keeper, plus they know if someone starts messing with them, potential consequences exist.

Can't let the Karens of this world take over. Especially not this early on web 3.0 whatever let's change the world phase. I hate buzzwords but you know what I mean. Can't be on the cutting-edge of anything if spoiled brats are at the helm. Need strong personalities able to adapt.