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RE: 100K Steempower reached and future plans.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Glad you have finally achieved your goal of power up.
I agree with you to always improve yourself and you are an epitome of it. Always trying to come up with something that would make life easier for steemians
If circumstances permit, and if we know we have the ability and power to improve ourselves, to grow and develop our skills and talents, why should we settle for less and just remain where we are just because we're "comfortable"?
It is always commendable for us to acknowledge that we've all got a lot to learn and to actually go on to do something about it such as investing in ourselves. Whether we're psyched to pick up IT skills, learn a third or fourth language, i like your mindset @exyle and you really practice what you preach, bcos i see you and the @blockbrothers carrying each other along with everyone having his own task and role. You guys are doing great things really. Thanks for that