A little bit about me

in #life6 years ago

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Hello everyone! I do this post with the intention of telling you some things, things that seem interesting to me, they are personal, enough so that I am sorry to say it in Spanish. I really do not have the courage to do it.

As always, excuse me if my English is "robotic", I use the google translator to translate it, because I do not trust my English as much as I would like.

I want to tell you, what is for me steemit, I had always wanted to have a kind of blog, or a YouTube channel, finally, somewhere to share the things that I like others, my emotions, my day to day, what they call "blogging", of course ... In steemit, he could not blog in a video but I can write it, and there's no problem with that, although I really think that they could better understand how I feel if I made videos, but then I could not do videos for English-speaking people. Therefore it is good that it be written.

Returning to the topic ... (sometimes I can easily deviate from the subject)

The point is that in steemit I got what I wanted so much, I can upload my poems, yes, most of the poems that I have uploaded are mine, only one is from a writer that I like a lot, but others are my responsibility. I continue, I really like the steemit community, because everyone is very kind, and since I started I have always received the support of many people who tell me nice and motivating things.

The previous poem is the first that I upload in English, but I plan to upload more, I hope to upload an English version of each poem or writing that I do in Spanish, that way I could share my content to all of you, I know we are only 45 people, it's not much, but I have to fill a whole room, and that's great.

Steemit is a community that is constantly changing, and constantly improving, so I hope with time to upload videos, that way they could know more about me. and I could make more instructive videos about topics that I like, such as science or art.
Here in steemit is the right place to do what you like and also get paid for doing it, which makes it doubly great.

I think that's all I wanted to tell you for the moment, I feel a little better about it, I wanted to express it a while ago.

I hope we continue to get along great in this great community.

I plan to do more post as a blogg, it is an important change, because I could teach you great things (or maybe not so much) of my daily life, well ... I live in a village, not many great things happen here, but something new always happens.

I hope everyone is having a great day, and see you again in a next post