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RE: Chasing The Meaning Of Life's Coattails

in #life2 years ago

Editing the number of clouds can be very challenging. You may have to do a great deal of sky watching to catch the right number, and be sure you have your glasses of wine on the ready. I think being forced to watch the sky for three days to get it just right might be part of the effect though.


Yes. Sometimes it can take awhile but the wine brush can help blend and blur.

Three days worth will provide plenty of answers and, quite a few questions. Best to just roll with it I say.

The wine brush is probably the best in the world at blending and blurring. I should try to remember to drink the next time I feel like painting, and just see what happens.

Try Krita if you have a decent laptop and even a basic mouse. Can paint whatever, and way less mess, no matter how much drink was involved.