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RE: Donald Tusk at it again: Polish MP's Arrested at Presidential Palace in Warsaw

in #life5 months ago

Poland occupies a special place in Europe, particularly now, when the Ukraine is collapsing and it's government will soon dissolve as the rats flee the sinking ship, leaving Russia to negotiate with whatever parliament can scrabble together in the aftermath of the flight of all the purloined capital from the money laundering and the futile genocidal sacrifice of half a million Ukrainians poking the Russian bear for AIPAC, America's, and therefore HATO's, real rulers. It is telling that the evidence of Mossad covert pimp of child prostitutes and blackmailer of politicians Jeffery Epstein's crimes has not been publicly revealed (despite the conviction of his depraved sidekick, Ghislaine Maxwell, for those crimes), allowing the extortion of kiddy diddling US politicians to continue unabated.

Dear @valued-customer !

Do you think Ukraine will lose the war and Russia will take over Ukraine?
Do you think Poland will be the front line against Russia?

Oddly, the Ashkenazi Jews aren't descended from the Hebrews of the Egyptian exodus, but mostly from a mass conversion of the Khazars (in what is today E. Ukraine/W. Russia) in the 9th Century, during a religious war between Christendom and Islamic imperial expansion then seeking to conquer the world. While it is difficult to claim authoritatively why Khazaria converted to Judaism at the time, more than 1000 years ago, it seems likely to have been an attempt to remain neutral in that bloody conflict, as Khazaria was smack dab between the warring parties. The Ukraine roughly translates to 'borderlands', and the region has always been a wartorn border between steppe and mountain, Europe and Asia, Christendom and Islam, never the end goal of the warlords, but always the battlefield in the wars.

Do you think that the current Jews are the Ashkenazi Jews and not pure blood?
Do you think the Ashkenazi are causing wars now?


"Do you think Ukraine will lose the war and Russia will take over Ukraine?"

Yes. But Russia does not want all of the Ukraine, so it will not take over all of the Ukraine.

"Do you think Poland will be the front line against Russia?"

Perhaps the Baltics are next, but Poland is next in geographical line.

"Do you think that the current Jews are the Ashkenazi Jews and not pure blood?"

They are of European descent, yet are claiming Palestine as their homeland. It is bizarre. Few modern Jews are descended from the Hebrews.

"Do you think the Ashkenazi are causing wars now?"

