
Sure. The Boy Scouts could start a war against the USA, or against the Girl Scouts, too. Why would they? I have made the point elsewhere, but Iran has ~90M reasons not to wage a war against the West, which any war against the USA would become. China and Russia have even more reasons. It is only when outrageous and intolerable machinations are faced by their people that rational polities entertain war against global hegemons, and it is obvious that the USA has been such a hegemon, although it's suicidal policies in recent decades have reduced it's reach and grasp commensurately. Since 9/11 the USA has devoured it's own power and, thereby, it's people. From the Shining City on a Hill it once was, it has become the primary advocate of torture, of oppression, of censorship, of genocide of anyone that would dare even criticize Israel, who conquered the USA militarily by demonstrating the political power to force blackmailed American kiddy diddling leaders like Bush and Cheney, Hastert and Frank (notorious pedophiles), and many more (particularly Jews and Israeli dual citizens), to deliver to Israel full and open command of US military, economic, and geopolitical might to rabidly insane Zionists malefic and murderous, that have blatantly - as blatant and obvious as the terrorist destruction of the Twin Towers by Israeli spooks - and utterly reversed American domestic and foreign policies to implement the destruction of all that is good and holy in America, particularly it's freedom, prosperity, and democratic political control of it's governance by it's townspeople starting in it's villages and progressing therefrom to it's megalopolises.

The outrageous descent of Truth, Justice, and the American Way that was the endemic culture of the American heartland when I was born, when Kennedy was President and sought to balk Israel in it's aspirations to become a nuclear-armed state, to implement a PM-backed dollar and stem the financial rapine of banksters, to reverse the slide of freedom of speech, of an armed citizenry, and parents and families that themselves determined the prosperity and rational education of their children, into the present Communist cadre-controlled indoctrination of our youth into self-hating racists, sexually deranged, self-mutilating, anti-natalists committing MAID assisted suicide to abdicate their lives and power to Zionists advocating their subjugation to violently racist and perverse oppressors pathologically dedicated to the utter genocide of all non-jews, whom they consider Amalekites that God has ordered them to eradicate, is like a Dantean descent into hell, swept down from the heights of heady felicity on torrents of American and Western nations' blood.

As goes Gaza, so goes the world. Not by Russian, Chinese, N. Korean, or Iranian duplicity and military power, but by Zionist deception and psychological manipulation. Kennedy, and the generation he inspired to vouchsafe and empower that Camelot, that City on a Hill shining prosperity and felicity across the world, from the American heartland into the most neglected gulag, across the stinking mass graves of the hapless massacred Christians of the USSR and China, and upon the grievous genocided boneyards of cannibal conquests of Africa and brutal dictatorships globally, were assassinated, censored, indoctrinated, impoverished, and emasculated with welfare, Machiavellian psychological manipulation, and masochistic self-hatred to deliver the world trussed like a red heifer to be slaughtered and burned to ashes on an altar on the Temple Mount.

It is laughable to point and accuse our supposed enemies of doing us the harm our Greatest Ally, insidious Israel, is doing, is leading us to do to ourselves. The treasonous betrayal of the USS Liberty is a fitting representation of the American empire, that has become an empire of lies where the truth is called terrorism, where freedom is deemed criminal, crimes are advocated by our perverted politicians, and criminals protected by police from our good people defending themselves from them. Why would our enemies stop us from destroying ourselves? They have only to sit back and watch their power grow as we hand ours to evil psychopaths eviscerating us with it.


Why would they? I have made the point elsewhere, but Iran has ~90M reasons not to wage a war against the West, which any war against the USA would become. China and Russia have even more reasons. It is only when outrageous and intolerable machinations are faced by their people that rational polities entertain war against global hegemons, and it is obvious that the USA has been such a hegemon, although it's suicidal policies in recent decades have reduced it's reach and grasp commensurately.

Dear @valued-customer !
Your magnificent and brilliant English sentences will be incomprehensible to American elementary school students!😂

I understood that you claimed that World War III would not break out.

Currently, East Asians speculate that China and Japan will wage a new war to take over Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula.

Thank you!

"I understood that you claimed that World War III would not break out."

I do not know, but I do not think it will be started by Russia, China, or Iran. If we do not recognize we are currently waging WWIII, through the jabs that have killed ~20M already, through the censorship, surveillance, and oppression they implement, then open violence and hostilities will come from Israel, the USA, or HATO attacking the BRICS.

Presently I consider that the world is at war, waged by deception - the very motto of Mossad - with a greater death toll than all prior wars in toto just through the vector of the covid plandemic 'solutions' all nations on Earth inflicted on their populations. The war is not between countries, but between institutions and society.

So far all the casualties have been inflicted by the institutions on societies, who don't even realize they are at war. I expect that to change, may already be changing, and for societies to realize and reject the institutions dependent on them for their power, parasitically extracted from their productive enterprises. The defeat of institutions will come when societies realize they are afflicting themselves by supporting institutions and their overlords, from states to Church, and all they will have to do to win is retain their production themselves.

That will be the end of parasitism, and the vile parasites that feast on our life's blood.