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RE: A Tomb With a View: The Geopolitics of Global Corporatism

in #lifelast month

I'm pretty sure that I have no say in the matter, but from what I've seen I expect Trump to become elected amidst raving and accusations of fraud from Leftists that will spark gradually increasing disorder. The reason I expect this is because the NWO needs to deal with ~100M armed Americans that cannot be militarily conquered, so then must be convinced to ally themselves with the NWO, which Trump will demand in order to suppress the Commies. He will also implement the worst surveillance state oppressions, as he has already promised, with biometric ID, facial recognition, and all manner of warrantless searches and impositions, which his raving minions will demand, rather than oppose.

Dear @valued-customer !
It's hard for me to understand your excellent English sentences, but I guessed that you want Trump to become president in order to get rid of communists in America.

Around me, the tendency to support Chinese communism is increasing.

Thank you for kind answer!


" want Trump to become president in order to get rid of communists in America."

No. I am against tyranny, whether Communist or Fascist. There is no candidate for freedom, except me, and I'm not running. I'm staying right where I am and confronting the impositions of statist excesses as I must.