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RE: More crazy apartment setups in my search for a new home

in #life4 years ago

Oh i bet it is even more difficult in USA. A family member of mine really wanted to live in an expensive part of Manhattan. her 1 bedroom condo was extremely small and was also $3000 a month. It't crazy what people pay to live in that city.

At least with this prison condos the rent is something absurdly low like $200 a month.


At least with this prison condos the rent is something absurdly low like $200 a month.

It depends on what you want, is there a communal swimming pool with these?

My first apartment in Phoenix was a little roach-infested. I ditched it for a better one but Roachland followed me and insisted I had not paid some extra cash for ending the lease.

Watch out for this kind of shit. I then left the US and the trail went cold for Roachland :)

Thankfully in these high rise condos that cocaroaches don't really make it up to the higher levels. on the street level though... yikes. They are everywhere