
Yang kayak gini ya...he...he.. ! :)

This post received a 4.1% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @lichtblick! For more information, click here!

This is a great post my friend.

I have been exposed daily to so many cultural and language differences on here, and your post is a shining example, of this again.

Thanks for making this. Well done.

Thank you, Yes I just realize how important to learn language. Thank you for comment. Nice :)

Sebenarnya saya juga sangat ingin untuk menguasai bahasa jawa mas, setidaknya untuk tidak bisa mas @happyphoenix bohongi, hahaha...Kidiing mas

he...he.. ! :)

Excellent post dear brother, explains well how to accept the people with different languages, races, color and cultures.

Thank you my friend, and thank you very much for you gift. Nice :)

You are very welcome dear brother. Keep up the good work :))

salam satu jiwa mas. . bahasa Bali juga begitu. . malah,lebih banyak tingkatannya. dan saya hanya fasih yang tingkatan terendah aja. . .😂😂😂

Iya..sama saja juga begitu, kalau diajak omong kromo inggil Jawa tengahan, nggak terlalu ngerti...he..he..:)

One of the best holidays you can have is to go to a country and enroll in a language school for a few weeks. You get some culture, meet new people and see parts of the place that you would not otherwise see.

Language and ways of saying things definitely tell a lot about a people.

Nice idea... that will give new experience and make improve our ability to speak another language. Thank you for your comment. :)

Thank you for taking part in this months #culturevulture competition. Good Luck

@sikhism got you a $1.64 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@sikhism got you a $1.64 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image:

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Betul om @happyphoenix... bahasa adalah alat pemersatu bangsa. Bagaimana jadinya jika di Indonesia tidak mempunyai bahasa Indonesia, dengan beragam suku dan bahasa daerah...pasti kita ikut bingung ngomongnya.... salam #satujiwa

I have send you a randowhale and resteemed :-)

Salah satu materi dalam pengajaran komunikasi adalah fungsi bahasa: labeling, naming, dan transmitting. Bahasa juga bagian dari budaya. Indonesia sangat kaya dengan berbagai bahasa. Bahkan di satu daerah seperti Aceh, bahasanya sangat banyak meski penuturnya sedikit. Artikel menarik di bulan bahasa @happyphoenix.