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RE: Two Week Water Fast, started TODAY! April 29th...

in #life6 years ago

For what it's worth...I eat EVERYTHING. I cook with LARD (and my cholesterol is PERFECT). Mostly meat, pasta, potatoes, very few veggies, cake with whipped cream, chocolate, everything I crave. All the shit I can buy here in LA is poisoned anyway, so why even bother with supposedly "healthy" or "organic". I think the key is mostly HOW MUCH you eat, not what. Calories in vs calories burned. I eat what I want and when I want. But I stop when I am not hungry anymore. And I don't eat just because it is lunch time. If you fast for a while, the stomach shrinks, that means you will feel fuller quicker. The danger is to stretch the stomach by eating too much. Keeping the plates small also helps.
I think we are not made by nature to consume 3 meals a day. Our ancestors did not have a refrigerator full of stuff at their disposal whenever they were hungry. They had to go and find something to eat. Sometimes they did not. And the "recommended" calories coming from the cabal is false. Look at the obesity epidemic in the US.
So, for me, eating one meal a day whenever I get hungry enough and eating whatever I like works great for me. But everybody is different...Good luck to you!