Dental Outcomes - which is really just a clever pun enticing you to read on

in #lifelast year

By the time you read this, I will have had a CBCT (Cone Beam Computational Tomography) scan completely on my head. For me, I type this on Thursday night, for you, you read this in the early hours of my Tuesday morning, or late on my Monday evening if you keenly read my posts the moment they go live.

Two days ago, I went to see a specialist for some areas of concern that my dentist identified the last time I went in for a scheduled scale and clean.

The specialist did not seem incredibly worried about this, however did explain that my two left wisdom teeth would need to be removed in order to prevent longer term issues and problems.

As a result, I've got a follow up appointment to do other things.

The specialist was a pretty nice guy - he complimented me on a jacket that I've not worn for years, and insisted that If i ever want to get rid of that jacket, that I should give it to him.

I won't be doing that.

He wants to put my under for the extraction of the two wisdom teeth, and I'm okay with that idea. I'd rather not be conscious as things are ripped from away from my face. He reckons it will be pretty simple and routine, and I trust his years of experience and expertise.

I've not had surgery as an adult, and haven't had a general anaesthetic as one either. I'll be complaint if I'm not concious, I guess.

I have one agonising question though, that I'll need to ask. "Will I have to shave my beard for the surgery?"

If I do, I suspect that I will need to go into hiding for at least a matter of three or four days until my beard returns to me, lush and thick. I've had a beard for over ten years now, so its a pretty big deal to me.

Obviously, I will do whatever matters for my health.

So, men with beards who went under for your wisdom teeth extraction - could you keep your beard?

I shouldn't be so vain, but I really am.

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I have always wanted someone to share his or her experiences while removing his teeth and I hope that it goes well...

It'll be a fun, expensive time

I had my 3 wisdom teeth extracted around a decade ago, because I was to put in some braces. These teeth were impacted (growing sideways inside my gums); so surgery was the only way. I was put into sleep as well and it was a great choice. Total cost was around $400 and that includes the fee for the anesthesiologist. This is in the Philippines btw.

You don't need to shave your beard for a dental surgery. :)

Oh this is good news :) We'll see what my specialist says though! I have already spent about $290 on the initial specialist appointment and xray.

Would be interesting though, seeing you without a beard but somehow I feel you'd rather have the wisdom teeth pulled out without anaesthesia than let me see.
Anyways, I hope the surgery goes well. Can't be a fun experience for sure.

Off camera streams until the beard grows back, right?

Good luck with your procedure.

If they do clip your beard drop the premiere on spltv. Would definitely earn you clip of the week. Think about it.

Lol. I don't want to think about that, its my identity

I had an accident when I was a child and it was too much that all my front teeth were broken. After that, I couldn't even put this tooth because she was young at my age and the doctor said that it would take some time. Once I was 18 I had them all put in and thankfully they didn't hurt.

I don't see any reason why you have to remove your beard. Don't be worried, it's something simple, everything will be fine.

Thank you! Will find out more at my appointment in a few weeks.

Sorry about that man. I hope the surgery goes well. Good luck.

I would use this opportunity and pull some pranks on friends. I bet they will not recognize you without a beard, so it can be a lot of fun.

Oh, does the beard has the same quality as the hair for Samson?

I would try to trade a jacked for the procedure. Perhaps they will go along with this :D

Unless it is a really cool jacket :D Is it?

Do you know what happens when they remove your wisdom teeth? I know, because I don't have any already :D

And I wouldn't call mine 'wisdom teeth'. They were growing crosswise, which doesn't seem to be very smart:D

It will be ok:)