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RE: An Australian World Take Over, One Jar of Vegemite at a Time

in #life5 years ago (edited)

Soy sauce and molasses? Good Lord 🤣 what is this devilish mixture?

Getting a bit anxious now, waiting for mine. But it's good to see others get it first. I ger to watch your blogs for weird side-effects 😝


Lol. I can't say that I agree with my husband about the molasses aspect. I think that was more of a texture comparison. It sort of makes me think of beef bouillon. Like if you just smeared that paste on your food. After saying that my next statement is going to sound bizarre, actually does grow on you. On my third try this afternoon it wasn't half bad.

The side effects are intense. Proceed with caution ;)

it actually does grow on you.

Aah that's good if I like it, I won't have to worry about getting more. This does beg the question where Galen got so much vegemite, though 🤔🤔

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I just imagine that there is a whole aisle devoted to it in every corner store ;)

Yep @ginnyannette...A whole Vegemite section. :)

Haha, I was sure of it!