
Thanks for sharing!

Hello rosenbach - pleased to meet you - thank you :D

Hello icedrum, pleased to meet you too.

Siempre acertadas y muy propicios tu Posts, para el dìa de hoy hablar de ciencia planetaria incentiva a la investigaciòn y por ende al conocimiento. Saludos.

Gracias Weidai :D

Excuse me sir @icedrum can I follow you!!
I will can like you. I hope you can support me.... thank you

De nada icedrum, siempre atento a tus Excelentes Post, con el proposito de aprender y crear conciencia. Saludos.

Space weather is one of the best you tube channels out there. Thanks for sharing this awesomeness.

Agree. Always interesting stuff.

Thanks Dick :D

Thank you Sallybeth - much appreciated :D

Yes, my favourite subject of the news. I stay here

Hello ejczpi - thank you so much :D

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