Why Normal Day To Day Life Sucks!!!!

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Name: Imanuel
Age: 27
Location: Trinidad and Tobago

"What a load of crap..."

I remember saying that myself after graduating from university. Not to sound too much like a pot head jacked up on some bad grade...but the "system" that has set up for all of us to live in just SUCKS.

When I was younger, I was quite naive. Go to school - they said. You'll get a good paying job - they said. Everything will work out fine - they said. Now that I'm older, I know that "they said" a lot, but most of what they said isn't true. I graduated from university with honors and still couldn't get a job for about 9 months. Sent out at least 50 resumes but no luck. When I finally got a job, I thought it would be smooth sailing, but I quickly came to realize that it is not that easy. On average, most young adults (and a lot of older adults) have jobs that allow them to BARELY make it through to the next month. Most people must work 2 and even 3 jobs just to survive!

How are we to save? How are we to advance ourselves? How are we to enjoy life? There are no good answers to these questions when one is barely getting by. Even with high qualifications, one is not guaranteed success in life. Many times, as far as I can see, success in life all comes down to who you know, really hard work and luck (in that order).

If you're like me and don't know many people in high places then you're stuck with working really hard and luck. Of course there is always the life of crime and while I have wondered about being a "crack lord" from time to time, we all know it won't work out in the end.....or will it....

Let's take a moment to consider our position in life. If yours is similar to mine then read on, and we'll try to overcome this crappy world we live in together.

I read something a long time ago and I try to live by that code every day, it goes like this - "The harder you work, the luckier you get." As you can see, all we're left with is hard work and luck, if one makes the other happen then we exponentially increase our chances of succeeding. Now I don't want to be the next billionaire or anything but I do want to live a comfortable life and take care of my family. Two years ago, I realized that with the way things were going, I wouldn't be able to that.

So what should I do from there.....

I decided to just buckle down and grasp every opportunity that came my way. I couldn't get a good job after university but I didn't stay at home watching Netflix, I got a job cutting grass (no shame in saying it). That allowed me to save up enough money to buy a new laptop. I studied Information Technology in college but to be honest, I wasn't really into it that much. After I got that laptop I said to myself that it was time to get serious and I started taking some web development courses online. Got an interview about a month and a half later and I was glad that I took those courses. They basically got me through the interview.

Side Note - nothing you learn in college is used on the job lol. Also, here is where I began seeing that hard work makes you "luckier".

When I got the job, I realized that I was nowhere near as good at web development as I needed to be. If I wanted to get paid more, I needed to get better, so for the first year, I saved ALLL my money and started an online web development program that I'll be completing this year (2 years later). I haven't seen the rewards from this as yet but I hope too see them soon because two years of programming studies hasn't been easy. One month ago I discovered Crypto Currencies and it opened a whole new world for me. Bought some coins and they have been doing well. Today I discovered Steemit and realized that I can be rewarded in crypto currency for writing.

Well DAMN, I'll take a crack at it!!! I'm going to use Steemit to provide two articles a week on crypto news and maybe some web development related stuff if people are interested. We'll see where it takes me. :)

All in all guys, I think most people can agree that the world we live in sucks, and most of what people say should be taken with a grain of salt. In order to be successful I'm going to take any opportunity I get to make life better for myself and I invite you to do the same.

Do you have a similar story? Help motivate me and others by sharing your life experiences in the comments below and let's conquer this crappy world together. Cheers!


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Thank you. Glad to be here.

Welcome to Steemit! It's good time to start create Steemit better :)

Thank you. I see a lot of potential with this platform. It's like a better Reddit.

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Thanks! I'll definitely take a look :)

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you are great! enjoy my upvote and fllowing, give me the best @kunani

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Welcome to Steemit! I wish you all the best in this social network and in your life! You can count on me for what you need. I send you a big hug from Argentina @kryptoland 👍🏻😄🇦🇷

Greetings @imanuelgittens! smart move becoming a member of steemit!