It Was Bound to Happen Sooner or Later

in #life5 years ago (edited)

Today it actually happened. I got bored.

I have a lot to do in preparing for my interstate move at the end of the month, but it is in pause because of weather (raining) and waiting for a delivery that requires my signature. I really expected them at around 10am, when they've come in the past, and had planned errands today accordingly.

I could pack, but it's a little premature. I need to use pretty much anything I would pack other than Summer clothes, and those are mostly already in boxes.

Using Time Up

When you've got extra time on your hands, the challenge is using it in a way that gives back more energy than it takes.

So today I:

  • Put some cards up for sale from Steem Monsters that I know I'll never use, since I don't play those elements. Really I haven't played anything in months, but some others I'm holding off on putting on the market in case I feel like going back to the game after my move.
  • Took out the trash and checked the propane levels. Going down fast! Thankfully I've got a refill coming in 2 days which will be the last time I ever have to check and refill propane. That's one of the many clarities I developed while living here. I do not consider propane to be "off grid" and don't want it in my life ever again.
  • Having lunch right now and defrosting meats for dinner. Even decided to have a beer with lunch, since obviously I'm not getting anything particularly mentally challenging done today, nor getting to run any errands.
  • Decided to start singing my thoughts aloud to my dog. Hey, why not? It's not like she minds, though she does seem to be slightly confused. In any case, it's actually energetically stimulating and centering to sing anything. She'll deal.

Well I guest that's about it so far. Not much, I know. But a couple of the SM cards already sold! That's progress. LOL



Put some cards up for sale from Steem Monsters that I know I'll never use,

Can they be delegated out?

Is that like letting someone pay you rent for using them?
I honestly wouldn't know. I've been so out of the loop on that game for so long. Hence my deciding to sell some.

yeah. supposedly (i don't play) there is a market for delegation opening up so people can rent cards to compete with.

Sounds cool. I will check it out in case that will benefit someone low on funds. If I can rent them out and have them up for sale at the same time that would be even better.

Card delegation is currently being tested but once deployed, I think it will bring some interesting opportunities to the market as most will be used for tournaments which I think are a great way to maintain the engagement seen there!

Posted using Partiko iOS

And not only progress. At least those cards will generate some steem revenue

Yeah, I’ve actually managed to sell some lucrative one I never even use.

Posted using Partiko iOS

what a pity. Even if you had used the weather to rest a bit more. Sleeping when it rains is great

I did actually. Took a nap anyway. I’m training myself to get up early though in preparation for my trip when we’ll need to be in the road by 7 or 8 each morning. Thankfully UPS came in time for me to run one important errand also. Then it snowed the next day, so really glad I didn’t have to go out to get that done in time.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hhmmmm, I see. How are you doing today @indigoocean?

Generally quite good these days. I'm enjoying the unique pluses of this location these last weeks, really savoring. At the same time, even more looking forward to living near my family again for the first time in a very long time. I'm sure I'll get everything done when it needs to be done, even if I lose a day. Would be nice to find something really fun/enriching to do though. Still searching. Decided to stop singing though, since the dog had started pacing.

OK. Interesting.

I see from reading your posts that you are coming to NC. Be safe on your journey.

Hi @indigoocean

I didnt hear from you in a while. Decided to check what's up with you.

Being bored? I absolutely hate and love that feeling. I hate it for many obvious reasons but one thing I love about being bored - for me it's a sign of safety.

I have never been bored if I was in threatening enviromnent or situation. That just doesn't happend.

I can only hope that your during trip to new destination you will not encounter any unpleasant surprissed.

All the best to you

Where are you moving to? I was following your life closer in the past. I have lost track now.

I am aware of propane, a lot of people use it in Texas where I grew up.
Sounds like you are going on an adventure.

Propane is used a lot in the country. More efficient at producing heat than electric and easier to transport than gas. I just can’t deal with life’s necessities depending on my going out in the yard to check the levels often enough then wait days for delivery, hoping I’ll make it with heat and hot water the whole time.

I’m moving back east to where my family is.

Posted using Partiko iOS

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