Your Colorblind Filter on the World

in #life5 years ago

Do you see blue? How about red? Can you see yellow? Can you tell the difference?

A very small percentage of the human population is colorblind. If it was 100%, people would say that there is no such thing as blue, or red, or yellow. Only shades of grey would be considered "real."

In This World

Now in this world this is not the case. Most people do see color. But there are other types of perception beyond sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. It's just that even a smaller percentage of people have access to this.

There was a time when I touched the shoe of an enlightened person who had been dead 12 years at that point. The next thing I knew something ran up my arm, entered my heart, and I was dancing across the floor!

Within days I developed many new abilities to perceive, including the ability to communicate with trees, each of which is self-aware and "thinks" and "feels" in a tree manner of doing so. All the different siddhis I developed lasted only 3 weeks, but what a 3 weeks it was!

Even after I lost the consistent access to those abilities, parts of them would spontaneously come back from time to time. That is how I came to know the distress the plant life feels when it is having parts cut off it.

Everything is self-aware and nothing wants to be cut or killed. And yet we all die. You and I are being eaten right now. Life is always eating life in order to live. This is inescapable, as the Buddha once discovered, unless we wish to commit violence against ourselves to accelerate the ending of our own lives.

Can't Unknow

Once you know that blue exists, even if you can't see it anymore, you can no longer deny that blue is real.

People can present you with all kinds of theories about how blue can't possibly be real. There is no scientific proof that can be found in a colorblind world for the existence of blue. There is simply nothing and no one who can measure the verification end of things. Even instruments that pick up the different wavelengths of colors can't help, because the person interpreting the wavelengths still can't translate any of them as "blue."

In the same way, realize how much your beliefs have been putting a colorblind filter on your life experience.

Before I touched that shoe, I had no idea trees were individuals, or that different families of trees had different personality signatures, sort of how dogs differ in nature from cats. You know what personality traits you think of when you think of dogs vs cats. In the same way, there are different personality traits of Pines vs. Oaks.

That information has always been available to me, but I was filtering it out most of my life. And even still, my ability to let it in is greatly diminished compared to during that 3 weeks.

So ask yourself this unanswerable question, simply to stimulate reflection:

What is your belief filtering out of your life experience?

What is there that you aren't allowing yourself to know is there?

Are you willing to perceive more?

Then, are you willing to live as if you know what you now know, even if everyone around you is living "colorblind?"




Beautiful post; your thoughts & Energy are greatly valued.

Two sources of my unseen, fully realized connectivity to Source emanate from the ocean and the night sky.
Hard to present evidence in font or photo my connectivity to the latter. But, I enjoyed a nice chat with an earth friend. A few years ago...


And yet...
I left the oceanside in May 2017. Combined with life events over the following year+ my Energetic abundance has been drained. It's less automatic, less tangible, less present.

Whether a result of life on the concrete jungle, or my self-energized jail of torment, my perception and resonance with Source Energy has been fleeting at best.

Old noises started becoming true (again). I genuinely believe that this has filtered out the Source opportunity to which I'd become accustomed. I became colorblind.

Fear is the primary colorblind filter that, at some point, will be removed (as I type, my Crown shakra fully abuzz).

A resounding YES to my willingness to perceive more, no matter what, or whom, remains colorblind.

Peace, smiles, appreciation.

Circumstances can definitely have a major effect on how easy it is to access these extreme states of receptivity. Living close to nature and where the elements are not harsh really helps a lot. Without that, we have to work to attune our vibration using other things until that becomes our norm.

I live life in such a rush to complete tasks that I know that I often miss many things that I should pay more attention to. It is unfortunate as there are many missed opportunities in my opinion due to this. I imagine that relationships have also been impacted and despite trying harder, those opportunities will never come back. I know that I have to start taking a slower approach in an attempt to do so.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah, speed of moving through the day really has a lot to do with it, now that you mention it. The combination of time spend moving slowly through nature seems to be the most powerful one. Note to self!

Such an interesting read, I had not thought to much about colorblindness till one of my Step grand sons is colorblind, and when I found out a couple of years ago it is often in the back of the mind when I see a colorful scene what does he see

In my entire life I've only met one colorblind person, but I think it's an idea we can all relate to because of b&w photography. So seemed like a good metaphor. Glad you enjoyed the article.

I have been around a while and have come across only 4 people I think, I think Monochrome is good in that way but also highlights the details without getting distracted by the colors

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