How to Get Easier through Life

in #life6 years ago

be happy.jpg

Sometimes we stress ourselves more than it is actually needed.

I have to do this, I have to do that...

Actually you don't have to do anything.
Often we let unnecesarry negative things influence our mood.
This post should be a reminder to think about what is important in life.
To simply be happy and enjoy the life

Don't take life too serious

Many problems that we have are not really problems.
They are normal situations which we give too much attention and make them more important than they actually are.
''I have to do this job, even if I hate to do it. I need money for my house/car/family''

No you don't if you don't want to.
There are 1 000 000 different jobs or opportunities to earn money in our current time.
Before you destroy your life with a job you hate, be courageous and look for another opportunity.
It is never too late!

At least life should by fun and joy.
Where is your advantage if you have a lot of material possessions but no joy?
Of course it is another thing if these material things bring you the joy.

Stop seeing life as work, start seeing it as a game instead.

Don't forget to laugh about the world and yourself.
There is so much to enjoy.

Surround yourself with good people

Our environment has a huge impact on our mood, behavior and character.
If you are surrounded non stop by negative minded people who don't do anything different than complaining, grumbling, and talking bad about others, this negativity can influence you and lead you in the same direction.
Don't let it come so far.

Instead take a distance to those people and surround yourself with

  • open minded people
  • People which have the same interests like you
  • People which let you grow
  • People which make you enjoying your life more

I think you can differentiate between good and bad people.

Just look at your circle of friends and question if they are really the best for you?
Don't matter, you will always get to know new awesome people.
Just look at Steemit ;-)

Don't be unforgiving

Often we get hurt by someone or we have all kinds of conflicts which are unsolved.
This you carry unconscious with you over time.
Don't make the mistake to ignore these conflicts and try to find a solution.
Not necessarily for the relationship to the person, but in the main for YOURSELF.
Having solved all conflicts with people can bring you inner peace and freedom.
You should forgive people who have made mistakes as well as you should forgive yourself for having made mistakes.
We are all humans and nobody is perfect.
So this is my advice for you.**

Be grateful

In my opinion gratefulness is one of the most important things in life.
Being grateful will have an positive affect on your mood as well as a positive influence on the people around you.
Nobody wants to see a grump who is never content or grateful.

Be thankful for everything that you have. You should not take it for granted!
When you're in a bad situation, always remember that there are people out there which would give anything to be in your situation.

Before complaining about your uncool car, be grateful for having a car.
Next step is to work hard to buy another one.
(Or start collecting more steem for your Lambo)

So that was it with my post.
I hope you liked it. If so, please feel free to upvote and follow my blog. :)


Infinityroad - Jason

infinityroad abschluss.jpg


Beautiful words .. Well done to share
Life is really simple but we can make it difficult by our sins
good job‏

Thank you very much for your kinds words! :)

Thanks for the cool post dude- upvoted! I agree we must be more positive, grateful, and not take life so seriously sometimes. By the way how did you get such a good follower base since you started on Steemit?

That's true, thank you bro.

It's all about being interactive.
I posted constantly, have now and then some conversations in the chat, and I comment and vote a lot on others posts and comments.
I think the last point is the mist important one when it comes to gaining more followers.

In fact, taking life easy happens to be the secret behind having a good life, @infinityroad. In the world of today, there are so many people and opportunities that being too serious will lead to stress. Nobody will want to suffer from bad health. Everybody will want a healthy and good life.
I am @gboyegaogunmola. I am a writer. I am writing article on the "psychological aspect of man". I truly appreciate your consideration, for the role of a person's environment, in shaping behaviour, attitude, and life.
In counselling situations, the problem affecting a person's life will be easily solved, when that person is in the company of good people. Bad people and uncompromising environment will not allow people to get the best out of their life, and they will return back into their negative condition.
It is a good idea to surround ourselves with positive and good people.

Thank you for your valuable words my friend.
I totally agree on your points.
All the best for you!

Thanks for the awesome had mentioned the good things in your post which we shall follow

You're welcome.
Thanks for your comment as well :)

Your welcome mate
Check me out

I agree but: The word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness :D

Hehe you can't have just one direction, that's true :)

I absolutly agree with your Message in your Post.
For me it is not that easy!
Actually I am ruled by

I have to do this, I have to do that...

I like reading articles that remind me of the important things.
You are right with that. 👍

Haha yeah many of us are, that's why I mentioned it.
You are welcome, thank you for your kind comment :)

some basic rules. Unfortunately, many people already fail at the simple things in life. Very nice post! Thank you @infinityroad

Yeah that's true.
It is definitely worth it to deal with this things.
Thank you buddy!

"Be thankful for everything that you have. You should not take it for granted!"

I find a gratitude journal helps with this point. Write down three things you're grateful for every day.

Yes this a great tip.
I actually do it verbally every morning I drive to university or to work.
Writing it down can be even more effective.

This post enlighten me!lets learn how to chillax!

Hahaha you got a message for you, awesome :)

I am going to try to remember all that, especially not giving too much importance to normal situations. We are here to enjoy life, we can be happy but sometimes we forget that our happinnes depends on us.

I'm glad that you try it for yourself.
I wish you much success and all the best for your future!

Gratitude is the key to opening the sky. Such a person is open to his spirit source and receives a lot of energy for own life. Thanks for the article.

Amazing words.
Thank you for that.
You're welcome :)

Thank you. +follow

Nice post. I agree with if you have or know someone that is unhappy with their day job. They should look for something else. There are millions of other jobs to go out and get. One should not settle for a job that they are unhappy with everyday. I tell people at my work that if they find themselves unhappy for more than 50% of the days of the week at work, it is perhaps time to find a new employer.

Yeah that's the thing.
Why should one throw away the biggest part of his life?
Find something you love and you will never have to work again.
Thanks for stopping by :)

It's really hard not to take life seriously sometimes but great advice. It's hard to forgive people that made mistakes but who are we not to? Even God forgives us many times. Great post man!

Nobody said it is easy, but in the end it is better for ourselves.
You are right!
Thank you :)

I feel like every now and then we need a reminder like this to motivate us!
Thanks for the great advice! :)

Thank you very much Nikolina :)


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this post reminded me of this movie :)

Sorry but I don't want to click on unknown links. :)

yea sure, be careful :D

Great work that you did with that post. You're absolutely right it's never too late to change things that people dislike and may get sad through that.

I'm also -at least- trying to stay positive as best as I can, though I can never reach Barney's level haha

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

This is an awesome idea!
Love this haha :)