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RE: The Two Types of Ants in the Hurricane

in #life5 years ago

It's not easy being the Ant Queen of a hill sometimes, having to make all those decisions. :)

Stay but buy a boat? My Sis-In-Law's sister's family lives in Houston. Two of yer early teenish sons went together and bought a canoe. After their neighborhood flooded, they paddled around checking on their neighbors and taking them things. It's all fun and games when you are on the child side of things.

Take care ! Stay safe !


I heard about people doing that. Defintely the fun way of dealing with flooding. We will not have that much flooding here, just thousand of mosquittoes :)

Kids do seem to enjoy these things. I always did as a kid. Need to get back into that mind set.

Yikes .... thousands of skeeters..... no good !

That's right, as a child we didn't worry about such things..... and we're still here !