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RE: Fluoride & other toxins in our Municipal water supplies are poisoning you. They are full of toxins and crap. Here's some VISUAL proof. Is YOUR water supply polluted similarly?

in #life7 years ago

I had a friend in Dental school who showed me pics of people who were over exposed to flouride and had really strange colored build up on their teeth. It was not a pretty site and not something that a dentist will usually tell you about when you go in for a cleaning. It's odd how dentists still offer flouride to people on a daily basis even though they know its bad for you. Even toothpaste and mouthwash that sells big in stores never ceases to put "flouride protection" on the labels of their product. Scary society of dental products and dental offices we live in..


That is called mottling of the tooth and is most usually strongly connected with dental fluorosis --- too much fluoride exposure in the body.

Good points today by you, thanks!