How to Achieve Your Life Goals

in #life4 years ago


     All people have goals in life, some of us have this ultimate goal  which is to live according to God's purpose. But aside from that, we have major goals which are the things we want for ourselves and for our family. We also have minor goals or bucket list, the things we want to do before we leave this world.

     All of us were born with the ultimate goal, but most of us aren't aware of. And if you're one of them I encourage you to read the book "The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren". This ultimate goal must be our top priority because it is to be with God in heaven afterlife.

     While staying here on Earth, we have the so-called 'life goals' or major goals. These life goals are the things we want to achieve enable for us to live a happy life.

     The most common life goals are 'to graduate from college', 'to become professional in chosen career', 'to become the best athlete', etc. Achieving these goals requires rigorous training, discipline, and faith.

     Yes, it's never been easy. Sometimes you feel like giving up, you're so frustrated, discouraged, and depressed because you exert a lot of efforts but you end up failing. Sometimes you think it's impossible to attain.

     Sometimes people will laugh at you because your goals are too high, they will underestimate you.

     Obstacles, failures, temptations, negative thoughts, unwanted opinions, all of them will test your faith and persistence. Just ignore them, don't give up, hold on, and keep going. Work hard and pray harder.

     Continue to improve yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually. And you will surely reach your goals.

     As soon as you achieve your goals, these will bring so much pleasure not just to yourself but also to the people who support you from the beginning. And when you accomplish your goals never hesitate to help others, inspire them, motivate them, and tell them your experiences and how you conquer the world.

     But for now, just keep the faith, keep striving, and keep going. God Bless!

    This blog post was written on October 26, 2016.

    The images were captured and edited by the author.