

Great photo :) Sounds like you had an awesome time! I wish i could have been there ♡

There will always be next time :D

@tmrknckmk you’ll be at the next meetup right??

I will come to take part in such a photo :)

a photo that everyone will want to take part in :)

Men in Black...

Lin Kent Rem XD

What if I told you it was r3m lin kent?

you three are very similar :p

Wow, very cool

Friendship never die. .hehehehe

Gah! I wish I could have made it to this meetup :(

It's ok... We will see you at the next one :)

OOVVVVV HANDSOME TEAM!!! :) Come to Turkey! I will feed you kebabs

How was the meet up? Looks like you had fun. 😀

Come to Turkey! Come to Saltbae dude :)

great picture my friend you should use @steepshot more it's a great app

Wouuuuuwwwwwwww @jimmylin and @wa7 good photo guys :D I expect you to come to Istanbul. <3 Come to Turkey Guys :D

Boys in black! 😎

@canburaksimsek @shankstaicho maybe one day guys :)

" Maybe " I don't accept the word . we're waiting for the dlive team to come to Turkey. I'il feed you baklava. Turkish Baklava :D and NusrET <3 :D

@alphasteem I don’t think anyone has to worry about us not having fun, we were worried about the guests :) I hope you had a good time!

@kgakakillerg it seems like a great app, I’ll definitely use it more in the future.

snoop, pac, and suge lol

Could you possibly photoshop me there XD Great photo Jimmy it looked really fun!

three awesome brothers :)

Well, you guys look good.

HAllo just wants to say HAllo and leave you a nice greeting.
HAllo möchte einfach nur mal HAllo sagen und dir einen Schönen Grüss da lassen weiter so lg

Oh cool! Y’all have dlive sweatshirts :) Bet y’all had fun at the meetup!