I Drew the Dicks

in #life7 years ago

Hey everyone, you might have noticed I been away in the last week or so, I been recovering from an emergency Gallbladder surgery. It is a painful and delightful vacation from crypto. On the one hand I lost touch with everything crypto so less stress, and I got time dozing off on medication and watching a few netflix shows/documentaries.

The most impressive documentary to watch was " A Good American "

Bill Binney, the former technical director of the NSA, discusses the NSA's decision to not use a cheap surveillance tool that would have predicted the 9/11 attacks.

" A Good American " documentary is a must watch. Read my comments on it below.

But what I watched next is " American Vandal "

Netflix told me because I watched " A Good American " I should be interested in watching

" American Vandal "

Yes I was suckered into watching a series that played as a documentary, and to be honest I did enjoy it. At first I was under the impression this was a true story, and a real documentary, but as soon as I noticed there were episodes I started to have my doubts, but by then I was drawn into seeing an ending, I did not really care, I wanted to know who drew the dicks. :D

You should find out too.

Back to " A Good American "

Typical US Government corruption to the core, shows us how every government program is geared towards theft of Tax dollars. Politicians with one interest and one interest alone, no not to protect us at all, just to steal our tax dollars. From Congress to the lobby of corporations surrounding it, it's a system designed to suck the blood out of hardworking americans, without an iota of care about our safety or benefit. In fact to the opposite all these programs are designed to keep milking the cow to the last drop and to keep that cow under 24/7 surveillance. No I am not a conspiracy theory nut, and this is not a conspiracy theory at all, it's about facts.

I wanted to write more about this but I need to get back to my medications, pain killers, the legal drugs of today's America, prescribed to me by my favorite drug dealer " An American Doctor ".

There are 2 pages

Hope you'll recover fast and the "drugs" help :)

American Vandal is really entertaining. Very funny, and it also took me a few minutes to realise it is a sort of mockumentary. No spoilers on who drew them. I spent the weekend binging on the hilarious Trailer Park boys series.

Damn straight they are there for themselves and they don't give 2 shits what happens to their citizens especially the middle class and poor folks. Hahaha I laughed silly on your favorite Drug dealer aka American doctors 😁.... So true mate, take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Nice review. I'd watch Good American

When I watched the trailer of american vandal I was pretty sure that it was a serious documentary, oh boy was I wrong! But I still enjoyed it.

some creative stuff. that's great.

Some dicks drew them?

I hope you are recovering well! WHO DREW THE DICKS?! Lol... Those painkillers are sure to help- Thanks again for the recommendation. Havent gotten to watch "A Good American" yet though. Sooon...soooon

Interesting photo @joseph :) We must definitely watch this film, I think that it will be possible to see many interesting things in it;) To you, friend, I wish a speedy recovery!

I think this movie has a good storyline, if it's done before the end.
But the film is not for family viewing. A quick recovery

@joseph I am great fan of you I saw your every post ... Every post you posted it's different from one another I followed your techinque .this information is Great

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This post recieved an upvote from therichext. If you would like to recieve upvotes from therichext on all your posts, simply FOLLOW and UPVOTE @therichext

Nice post.
Thanks for sharing.
I have resteem this post

I watched this last weekend...The storyline kind of sucks you in and forces you to watch every episode...but I must say, I was kind of disappointed with the ending. I won't spoil it though

Possibly the best title I've ever seen on Steemit
Hope you're feeling better soon!

I watched American Vandal recently, I thought it will be total trash honestly saying :) However, at some point, I got interested and caught myself on a thought, so who did draw the di..ks :)
Very easy to watch, so if you don't want to think about anything, you can definitely chill out and watch it.

Really Good Post!
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I own some of your posts. it turns out you just recovered from bile surgery. hopefully you can. greetings from your fans.

Pray for your quick recovery. Yes you are very right that politicians only want more, more, and more money .....

Merica, Dick yeah

Nice post plz votes me

recover soon bro

Give thanks for life...
speedy recovery young blood

I love documentaries,i can spend quality time watching it,I hope you get well soon

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Hi dear @ Joseph, I daily check the status and waiting for your post because you always shade creative stuff and today after 12 days you shared your post.ohhhh very sorry to hear about your gallbladder surgery, I hope that you get well soon.and about documentary movie is much interesting,thanks for sharing..

Hi dear @Joseph, I daily check the status and waiting for your post because you always shade creative stuff and today after 12 days you shared your post.ohhhh very sorry to hear about your gallbladder surgery, I hope that you get well soon.and about documentary movie is much interesting,thanks for sharing..

get well soon and enjoy the films ;)

Hey, I had gallbladder surgery seven years ago. Haven't missed that annoying little pouch since. Good luck with your recovery!

I had one terrible night, made bearable by a morphine pump. The next day I was happily walking around the hospital with a five-inch scar. Then I had another terrible night because the roommate I'd been hanging out with kept snoring all the time.

Before I got the morphine pump, I asked a nurse: "When can I get that morphine shot you promised?" "OK", she replied, "you're getting another one".

They knew I used semi-legal tramadol for my chronic toothache. Only got rid of that problem this summer. Thankful that the pills helped me survive, glad that I don't have to feel like a zombie anymore.

Funny how you interpret those movies while under the influence! lol You should probably try watching them while straight, just to make sure what you watched. Get well soon!

well it doesn't sound like a relaxing documentary or whatever.. maybe watch something less intense. get some rest and come back and steem on.. btw: they knew it was going to happen.. get some rest and we'll chat about it later. :)

excellent post.mind blowing every where you made. I'v followed and upvote you. at least 1 upvote me https://steemit.com/topnews/@currentnews/mexico-earthquake-survivor-floors-dropped-like-dominoes

Very interesting post.

Lol, the dude should be careful with what he watch next time not to go about drawing dicks everywhere

Gee the last line seems kind of cynical. But okay I feel ya. I am gonna look up that documentary.

I will definitely get well soon. There are always up and downs in life. Health is also a major concern. Follow medication properly and take care of your health.

This post recieved an upvote from therichext. If you would like to recieve upvotes from therichext on all your posts, simply FOLLOW and UPVOTE @therichext

Nice selection !

Unless its about game of thrones, your health matters more @joseph. Take care and get well soon.

Wow truly amazing post, I followed you and gave you my 100% upvote on several of your post 👍👍keep up the good work

The question remains.. Who drew the dicks.

Rest well @joseph, get well soon and dont stress yourself too much

Both docs sound very interesting. I've added both to my watch-it-now list. Thanks!

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I really like your post. Nice!

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