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RE: THE UNCONSCIOUS MIND! Which let us to be conscious!!

in #life5 years ago (edited)

Great subject, the Vedas say that the mind is more difficult to control than the wind. It can be our best friend or worst enemy. With intelligence, or the conscious mind, which is informed and armed with the sword of knowledge, we can master the unconscious, and then receive guidance from him/her. Harness the vast reservoir of the unconscious and you will be tapping into the storehouse of treasure. Dream recall is one very good way to hear the advice of the unconscious.


Good advice to find out unconscious mind. Thanks 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

My pleasure bhai.

LoL... you can call me 'Behen' or sister instead. 👩👩👩

Posted using Partiko Android

My apologies lol. Of course behen.


Posted using Partiko Android